dredging projectsOne of the most difficult aspects of completing a dredging project in the Florida Keys is acquiring proper permitting. Before any dredging can be done in any body of water, a permit or series of permits must be obtained. In the Florida Keys, it is illegal to begin any dredging project in any local body of water unless it falls under certain specifications and without the proper permitting. The only type of dredging that is permitted by law is maintenance dredging, and securing permits for such projects can be tricky. Here are some of our tips for how to get dredging projects permitted quickly in the Florida Keys.

1. Know The Laws

The only type of dredging project permitted by law in the Florida Keys is maintenance dredging, or dredging an area that has already been dredged. Local laws also state that it is illegal to dredge more than five feet below surface level at low tide, or at cap rock, whichever comes first. It is important to take these laws into consideration when planning out your dredging projects.

2. Do Your Research

In order to be approved for a permit for a dredging project, you must prove that an area has already been dredged. Looking at historical documents, old charts and maps, library documents, and public record requests for historical permits can prove that dredging has already taken place in a particular area, making it okay for you to move forward with any planned dredging projects.

3. Make A Plan

Once you are able to prove that an area has previously been dredged and is therefore okay for you to work in, make a plan for your project moving forward. At this point, you will need to get a bathymetric survey and benthic survey. Benthic surveys are required for most all dredging projects. The bathymetric survey will show the surface area of the water that will be dredged and the amount of material in cubic yards to be dredged. A benthic survey will ensure that there is no seagrass or corals in the way of your project.

4. Order Engineer Plan Set

Once you have gathered research to prove that an area has been dredged previously, researched the area in which a project will take place, and completed the necessary tests and surveys to determine relevant info, it is time to get an engineer plan set in place to map out the area, get information about how an area will be dredged and with what methods, and other project-specific information that is necessary in order to get a dredging permit. Completing these steps in order is the most efficient way to ensure that you will receive your dredging permit as quickly as possible. At Rapid Permits and Engineering, we make it easy to secure permits for dredging and other projects in and around the Florida Keys. We can do research, planning, and ordering for dredging permits that can make completing your project as easy as possible. Contact us today or call (305) 916-1400 to book an appointment and get started!