Marine Engineering
Getting the correct permits for a project is one thing, but the process of actually constructing them presents an entirely different challenge to tackle. Put that project in The Florida Keys, and you’re given a unique set of requirements to maneuver. In this case, hiring local marine engineering services is your best bet—for a number of reasons.

Expert Knowledge of the Area
At Rapid Permits and Engineering, our team is made up of local engineers that know The Keys like the back of their hands. Their familiarity with the area, combined with a long history of experience building projects in this specific field, culminates in a group of individuals who are more than capable of completing the wide scope of marine-related projects quickly and efficiently.
Avoid Delays With Local Marine Engineering
Work in The Keys can present a slew of different challenges for those that aren’t readily prepared or equipped for the task. Oftentimes, consulting out-of-town marine engineering can stall the work process with expensive setbacks and unnecessary alterations midway through the project, causing extensive and costly delays to the entire operation.
However, our local engineers are all qualified and deeply familiar with the area’s specifics, waterways, requirements, and documentation needed for your plans in order to obtain the permits for your project and get the job DONE. They’ll get it lined up correctly the first time, saving you time, money, and headaches throughout the duration of your project.

They Can Do It All
Need docks installed? No problem! How about a seawall? Boat lifts? Will your project require dredging or land clearing prior to construction? All this and much, much more is well within the skillset of our marine engineering team. Not only will they get your project done on time, but they’ll stick to the budget in the process—free of any unexpected surprises or derailments!
If you want to rest easy at night knowing that a team of local, professional marine engineers are taking great care in your marine project, Rapid Permits and Engineering can set you up. Put your trust and confidence in people that know The Keys and contact us today or call (305)-916-1400 to learn more!
Recent Rapid Permits Projects
Trust our comprehensive permit services to help get these permits approved and processed quickly: