Cracking the Code: The Lesser-Known 10% Rule in Waterfront Development

Venturing into a waterfront construction project in the Florida Keys? Before you set sail, there’s a crucial rule you must familiarize yourself with – the 10% rule. While the 25% rule often takes the spotlight, this local regulation is a game-changer that can significantly impact the success of your endeavor.
Decoding the 10% Rule:
The commonly known 25% rule restricts occupying more than a quarter of the navigable width of any Waterway. However, the lesser-known 10% rule is equally vital. It dictates that your dock cannot extend more than 10% of the total width of the water, as measured from mean low water on one shoreline to mean low water on the opposing shoreline.
A Closer Look at the Dock Limits:
Let’s break it down. Picture a 100-foot-wide canal. According to the 10% rule, your dock can’t reach beyond 10 feet from the mean low water line. This rule was established to prevent excessive encroachment into waterways, ensuring fair use and navigation for all waterfront property owners.
Complexities in Mangrove Shorelines:
However, this rule becomes particularly intricate in areas with mangrove fringes. The measurement, from mean low water on one side to the mean low water line on the other, may bring your dock uncomfortably close to the mangroves. It’s crucial to distinguish between navigable width and mean low water when planning your project in these scenarios.
Local vs. Federal Regulations:
Here’s the twist – the 10% rule is a local regulation, not a federal one. Agencies like the Army Corps and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) follow the 25% rule, not the 10% rule. This incongruity can catch developers off guard, leading to potential setbacks if local approvals are not secured.
The Importance of Due Diligence:
As local authorities become more stringent in enforcing the 10% rule, it’s paramount to incorporate this regulation into your project planning from the outset. Failing to do so might result in significant delays and potential project restarts, especially when seeking local permits after federal approvals.
When dreaming of your ideal waterfront project, understanding the nuances of the 10% rule is crucial. Stay informed, plan diligently, and ensure compliance with local regulations to steer clear of unexpected hurdles along your construction journey.
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